Queries in Wanderer

wanderer builds the site page by page, but this can fall apart in the case of blog indices. Thus, there's also a capability of creating various feeds that can be used to list out pages.

Defining feeds in config

Feeds are defined under the feeds header in page level configurations:

feedName = { tags = { like = 'feedTag' }  }
  • if the feedName is a string, we assume that the feed should be made of the files whose source directories fall under that string
  • if the feedName is a dict, we search the database for pages whose configurations matches that dict. Generally, this is applicable for creating feeds by tag.

All feeds are also fed into the templates as o.feeds.feedName, and can then be used in content:

# Blog posts

${o.feeds.feedName.map(item => {
    return `# ${item.title}


Note the join at the end. Without it, the map would be interpreted as an array, and will render with comma separators.

Objects in a feed

    config: {}
    id: pageID
    url: absolute/link/to/page
    title: page title
    exerpt: a short excerpt (also defined in config.exerpt)
    content: full page content (be aware that nested template features won't work right)

Dynamic Queries

Most of the time queries are static. However, in the future, there might also be support for dynamic queries by incorporating TaffyDB (already in use) and/or lunr.js (for search)

It becomes possible to, given the JSON database of all pages, filter them by tag or content.

Variables that you can sort or query a feed by








Directory config for all the pages in the blog:

tags = ["blog", ...]

Blog index page:


query = { tags = { like = "blog" } }
isAscending = false
limit = 10
sortBy = 'date'

# Recent Updates

${md(o.feeds.blog.slice(0, 8).map( post => {
    return `* [${post.title}](${post.url}) // ${post.tags.filter(tag => {
        return tag !== 'blog'
    }).map(tag => {
        return tag
    }).join(', ')}`